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In the Studio...At Last

Caroline Cook

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Recorded (January 21, 2012) and mixed at Blue Bear Sound, this first release was a dream come true. This compilation represents songs that have touched me at different moments in my life. And, I will always remember the feeling of recording 'At Last' the day after Etta James passed away. / Cette première CD a comblé un rêve et représente une

Recorded (January 21, 2012) and mixed at Blue Bear Sound, this first release was a dream come true. This compilation represents songs that have touched me at different moments in my life. And, I will always remember the feeling of recording 'At Last' the day after Etta James passed away. / Cette première CD a comblé un rêve et représente une compilation de chansons qui m'ont touchés à différents moments de ma vie. Aussi, je me souviendrai toujours le sentiment d'enregistrer «At Last» le lendemain du décès d'Etta James.

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